A Subject I enjoy studying this semester

Mi favorite subject is called "Segregación en la educación superior" that is more like a course of formation general, but it is a subject as well, the professors are form the different faculties, one is from the faculty of medicine, the other is from the engineering and the last one is from the faculty of philosophy. Every week all the students (also all the students are from different faculties of the university)  have to read a short paper about education, and in the day of the class, students together with professors talk about the paper. They are always different topics about education , for example, reforms of education, education and economic equality, health main and university (this final one is because of the issues around the stress at the university) and more!! we read writers like Paulo Freire, that is a very important person in themes about education.

Finally, I love this subject, because the education is a very important topic in my life, I consider that it is the base of the society, the history of education is a really amazing topic, and you would take this subject because it is very interesting!!


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